Addiction Treatment in Belleville, IL

When you are dealing with substance abuse issues or even drug or alcohol addictions, you may feel like there is nobody else in the Belleville, Illinois area can or will relate to you regarding your struggles and difficulties. The problem is that this does not have to be the case. There are numerous options for addiction treatment in Belleville that can help you deal with and even fully overcome your addiction to drugs and alcohol.

In order to find a way to overcome your addiction, you need to better understand your addiction as well as the many different programs for addiction treatment made available through drug and alcohol addiction treatment centers in the Belleville area. Once you have this important information at your fingertips, you will be able to make sure you find the right addiction treatment in Belleville to help you recover from your drug or alcohol addiction.

What Is Addiction?

Understanding the true nature of drug and alcohol addiction can help you to better understand why programs for addiction treatment are so important in overcoming an addiction. Drug and alcohol addictions are not what popular society would have you believe them to be.

Society wants you to think that drug and alcohol addictions are mental defects that represent a form of weakness. However, addictions are much more than that and just because a person has an addiction, does not mean they are weak in any way.

An addiction is actually a disease that affects a person body, mind, and soul. The mental and emotional side of an addiction generally has to do with the original reasons that a person began abusing drugs or alcohol in the first place. These reasons can be related to a person's mental health such as an attempt to self-medicate away symptoms of OCD, depression, or another mental health disorder. But can also have to do with work issues, family stress, or traumas.

However, a person is not just mentally addicted to drugs or alcohol, they are also physically addicted. This physical addiction is related to the ways in which drugs and alcohol interact with the brain on a basic chemical level. When a person ingests addictive drugs or alcohol, the chemicals from that substance will be carried to the brain by the bloodstream.

The chemicals will send signals to the cells in the brain, telling them to perform certain actions and stop others. If a person continues to abuse drugs and/or alcohol, those chemical reactions cause the brain to adjust the way it functions to accommodate these instructions. The brain changing its normal balance and function means that the person is physically dependent on the substance to function.

Are There Phases/Steps for Addiction Treatment?

When it comes to drug and alcohol addiction treatment and the various programs for addiction treatment that you can choose from for your recovery, there are certain phases or steps that pretty much all programs have. The first step in addiction treatment in Belleville is to do an assessment which may also be referred to as an intake interview. This assessment will help the drug and alcohol addiction treatment center determine which of the programs for addiction treatment will be best for you and your recovery needs. This assessment will involve discussing what drug you are addicted to, how long you have been addicted, any physical or mental health conditions you have, and various other facts about your personality and preferences.

This assessment will help the drug and alcohol addiction treatment center determine which of the programs for addiction treatment will be best for you and your recovery needs. This assessment will involve discussing what drug you are addicted to, how long you have been addicted, any physical or mental health conditions you have, and various other facts about your personality and preferences.

Once you have completed this assessment, you can move forward into the detox phase of treatment. Most drug and alcohol addiction treatment centers offer medical detox programs for addiction treatment. Medical detox in Belleville is a treatment option that involves the medical supervision of a person as they work the drug they are addicted to out of their body and deal with the associated withdrawal symptoms. Medical supervision allows the person to receive treatments for their withdrawals as needed.

Detox needs to be completed before a person can move forward in treatment because the influence of the addicted substance will cloud a person's judgment and prevent them from being able to deal with the issues that led them to develop an addiction to drugs or alcohol. As such, when detox is over, therapy in both individual and group settings can begin to determine why a person developed an addiction as well as how they can cope with those issues going forward, avoiding substance abuse in the process.

Types of Treatment for Addiction

There are numerous types of addiction treatment in Belleville. From traditional programs that embrace options like the 12 Steps of Recovery and cognitive-behavioral therapy to alternative treatment programs that offer meditation, restorative yoga, and equine therapy, there is something for everyone, including programs that combine traditional and alternative methods of treatment (holistic treatment programs).

Knowing all of this information about addiction treatment in Belleville, you can be sure that you do what is best for your addiction recovery process. Call Belleville Alcohol Rehab Centers now for help (877) 804-1531.

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